Why did we decide to create this company…
Letter from the Managing Partner
Dear clients,
In order to fulfill the needs of the construction market in Poland and face Polish cultural differences that international companies have to deal with, we decided to launch a company, that brought together individuals with extensive worldwide and local experience, with a high level of energy and a diversified education.
Our actions are a response to real problems observed during the implementation of numerous and various projects. The investment process is difficult, complex and emotional. Communication problems and differences in the attitudes and expectations of partners are vast. Viewed from above it resembles a huge map of a city from the Far East. From the creation of a project concept, business plans and feasibility studies, through design stage, approvals, drafting “Polish” contractual conditions, up to the use of the lowest price criterion, changes in the implementation phase and price changes … etc., each stage adds new corners and intersections to our daily life. Only those who can patiently, communicatively and with appropriate assertiveness strive to set goals, will achieve success.
Our partners and experts have created a company to facilitate achieving your goals and finding a good way out through this challenging investment map. We want you to overcome the most difficult turns, we want to develop simple and fast solutions, and help you get to your destination faster then you thought possible.
We are looking forward to doing business with you.
Faithfully yours,
Adam Białachowski